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Portsuppliers Group Marine Fenders


” Portsuppliers Group has delivered pilot fendersystem with rubber cone fender  PSG-C 1000, where the challenge was to adapt to a existing pivot fender system ”

The PsG Pivot Fender can cope with large horizontal and vertical working loads, and offer very high energy absorption and low reaction. The fender is fixed in a box at the bottom or sheetpile quay, which holds the panel vertical on impact. Pivot systems are often interlinked to form flexible barriers along quay faces or around curved marine structures. Suitable  for high tidals.

 Key Performance:

  • The Pivot Fender requires less concrete work above quay, “lectern casting”
  • Usually it is enough to attach the rubber fenders directly into the quay wall
  • No moving parts
Portsuppliers Group marine Cone fender system
Portsuppliers Group, marine fender system,
PsG -C 600 cone
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